Membership is available as individual or dual/family membership. Dual members pay one subscription and are entitled to one copy of the journal or newsletter each mailing.
Membership to “A Ghostly Company” falls in January of each year, but you can join any time. Subscriptions for 2024 are:
- £18.00 for electronic Newsletter in the UK
- £23.00 for hard copy Newsletter in the UK
- £23.00 Overseas, electronic Newsletter only
A published copy of The Silent Companion is included in the subscription fee.
New members will also receive a back edition of The Silent Companion on joining.
All members’ details are held on computer for the use of the society only, and are deleted should they choose to leave or not renew their annual subscription.

A Ghostly Company Constitution
You can become a companion which entitles you to a copy of the newsletter and the annual publication of ‘The Silent Companion’ (TSC), you will also be welcome to attend Black Pilgrimages and send in your contributions to the newsletter and your ghost stories to TSC.
The Society is called “A Ghostly Company” and is run from the United Kingdom, though overseas members are welcome to join.
The aims of “A Ghostly Company” are to publish new ghost stories, articles, book reviews and letters, as well as organising one or two meetings/conventions a year at suitable locations within the British Isles. Outings centred around a special place of relevant interest are to be known as “Black Pilgrimages”. Other projects will be considered at the discretion of the Chairman.
Membership to “A Ghostly Company” falls due in January of each year, members are accepted at any time and depending on when you join your membership may be carried forward into the following year without additional fees.
A copy of The Silent Companion is included in the subscription fee, published in November/December. New members will also receive a back edition of The Silent Companion.
Pay by Cheque
Cheques should be made payable to A Ghostly Company and sent to:
Membership Secretary, Pat Koumi, 74 Britannia Crescent, Wivenhoe, Essex CO7 9PE